¿Sabes cómo formar preguntas en inglés?
Esta semana hemos visto ya como conjugar los verbos en ingles y como formar as negaciones. Ahora vamos a aprender cómo formar las preguntas en todos los tiempos verbales.
Normalmente, las preguntas se forman con un verbo auxiliar. Tenemos varios auxiliares para formar los tiempos activos: do, does, did, have, has, was, were.
Muchos de los tiempos verbales ya tienen un auxiliar o más (I am going tiene am por ejemplo.) Para hacer la pregunta movemos un auxiliar al principio, antes del sujeto (Am I going?). Si la afirmación no tiene auxiliar, para la pregunta lo ponemos.
Verás lo que quiero decir de los ejemplos…
Empezamos, lógicamente, con el presente… Y como en los otros artículos, usamos el verbo de work para ser más claros.
Si quieres, aquí tienes los verbos irregulares .
Presente Simple
Do I work?
Do you work?
Does he work?
Does she work?
Does it work?
Do we work?
Do they work?
Presente Continuo
El presente continuo habla de acciones que están pasando ahora mismo.
Am I working?
Are you working?
Is he working?
Is she working?
Is it working?
Are we working?
Are they working?
Presente Perfecto
Have I worked?
Have you worked?
Has he worked?
Has she worked?
Has it worked?
Have we worked?
Have they worked?
Presente Perfecto Continuo
Quizá te interesa también saber de las preguntas con How long…? que hablan de la duración de una acción.
Have I been working?
Have you been working?
Has he been working?
Has she been working?
Has it been working’?
Have we been working?
Have they been working?
Pasado Simple
Did I work?
Did you work?
Did he work?
Did she work?
Did it work?
Did we work?
Did they work?
Pasado Continuo
Was I working?
Were you working?
Was he working?
Was she working?
Was it working?
Were we working?
Were they working?
Pasado Perfecto
Had I worked?
Had you worked?
Had he worked?
Had she worked?
Had it worked?
Had we worked?
Had they worked?
Pasado Perfecto Continuo
Had I been working?
Had you been working?
Had he been working?
Had she been working?
Had it been working?
Had we been working?
Had they been working?
Seguimos con más preguntas en los varios tiempos verbales, esta vez en el futuro.
Futuro Simple
Will I work?
Will you work?
Will he work?
Will she work?
Will it work?
Will we work?
Will they work?
Futuro Continuo
Will I be working?
Will you be working?
Will he be working?
Will she be working?
Will it be working?
Will we be working?
Will they be working?
Futuro Perfecto
Will I have worked?
Will you have worked?
Will he have worked?
Will she have worked?
Will it have worked?
Will we have worked?
Will they have worked?
Futuro Perfecto Continuo
Will I have been working?
Will you have been working?
Will he have been working?
Will she have been working?
Will it have been working?
Will we have been working?
Will they have been working?
¿Quieres aprender más inglés?
Como se puede ver, las conjugaciones de las preguntas también son bastante repetitivas, lo cual significa que no tenemos que memorizar tanto.
¡Formar preguntas en inglés es fácil!
De todos modos, tenemos que practicar formar estas estructuras, porque si queremos sonar bien en inglés, deberíamos usar los tiempos verbales de forma correcta–con todos los auxiliares en los sitios adecuados.
Sígueme para ver y aprender mas contenido similar a este y los anteriores, comparte a las personas que creas que deben mejorar o aprender ello.
Comenta que te pareció!
Me parece muy buena información, muy útil
ResponderEliminarGraciass, puedes estar pendiente de los demás blogs y ver los anteriores, te ayudaran aun mas!!
EliminarCada vez mas me gusta este blogs
ResponderEliminarGracias Nataly ☺️